Thursday, February 7, 2019

Analysis of The Post and Courier Newspaper

In my copy editing class, we had to analyze a newspaper. I decided to analyze The Post and Courier and incorporate the different news values from various stories within the paper. Here are my findings with the various news values:

  • Conflict/Controversy - "Rural haven Awendaw faces realities of growth" talks about Awendaw which is a sparsely populated rural town in South Carolina that resides on the edge of a face growing city, but residents think that there isn't enough room for development. The town is approaching a build-out and there soon won't be any land left to develop. 

  • Consequence (Impact) - "Teachers lobby for pay raise, respect" teachers from across the state protest at the state house for higher pay, and more respect. SC school system is one of the worst in the nation and teachers more input on the legislators' plans to overhaul education. 

  • Prominence/Timeliness - "SC State plans series of events to mark Orangeburg Massacre" one of the most prominent events of the civil rights movement and it happened right here in Orangeburg on the night of Feb. 8, 1968. SCSU will hold events Thursday which will include showing Bakari Sellers documentary "While I Breath, I Hope" at the Fine Arts building at 1p.m. and a student re-enactment protest will occur at 4p.m.

Proximity - "Talks underway for Hollywood sewer fix" talks about how some leaders are concerned with the town being at 'bottom of list' of who benefits from a with Dorchester and Charleston. 

Novelty - "A pancake lover's paradise" instead of your typical iHop or Denny's, there are independently owned pancake house between Pawleys Island and Little River. These pancake houses include: Omega pancake house, Southern pancake house, Theo's pancakes, and Donald's pancake house just to name a few. 

Human Interest - "Running back reunion" La Rams Todd Gurley and New England Patriots Sony Michel reunited Sunday Feb 3 at the super bowl game in Atlanta. Before the game, Gurley said he was avoiding talking to his old Georgia teammate at least not directly. 

Features - "Apple opens new chapter amid weakening demand for iPhone" talks abut how Apple raised its prices for iPhones due to its low demands only for it to backfire. The revenue dropped 15 percent from the previous year. Apple's total earnings dropped slightly to $20 billion. 

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