Thursday, January 24, 2019

LA Times,The Daytona News-Journal, and The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

In Copy editing we had to compare 3 newspapers that had similarities and differences within the front page headlines. With the help of Newseum, I decided to compare and contrast The LA Times, The Daytona News-Journal, and The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

The LA Times headline was "A new movement in L.A?" It talks about teachers on strike against the city's education inequality. Another headline which read "Trump retreats as Pelosi delays State of Union" involves Trump seeking an alternative as the speaker refuses the address until the government reopens. Other headlines include "A scene stealer yes, but an Oscar thief?," Cohen delays hearing, citing threats," and "Trumps Venezuela gambit."

The Daytona News-Journal headline "Panhandling limits pass"talks about beggars and how they will be dealt with by the city of Daytona. Other headlines include "The Race for business," Pelosi disinvites Trump," and "Local donors help unpaid Coast Guardsman, TSA workers."

A few of The Atlanta Journal-Constitution headlines consist of "Poultry lab fixes could cost taxpayers $4M," and "Shutdown hits those on housing aid."Other headlines include "Five die in shooting in FLA. bank," Experts: game brings sex traffickers," and "Voice of dissent joins development board."

All of these major newspapers include the stories of the government shutdown as well as Nancy Pelosi wanting Trump to delay the State of the Union address. 

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