Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Commercial/PSA Assignment

In this Particular assignment, I decided to get a few shots of the new added feature on campus. won 2nd place this year with a total of $50,000. There are added benches as well as some plants that were installed beside The Student Center I decided to do my assignment on this and I wanted it to be a commercial but I think it also became a cross of something else lol. Let me know what you all think. 

Picture In Picture Assignment

This assignment involved me shooting a few video shots with me giving my viewpoints on certain topics. I decided to talk about The riots that broke out when Donald Trump was elected President, American Horror Story Roanoke and, Jay-Z and Beyonce. I didn't find this assignment to be difficult at all and I played around on Adobe Premiere a bit to see what all I could do. 

Below are the links to each video I gave my viewpoints on:

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Four Classic Lighting Techniques

This assignment involved us shooting another person using the four classic lighting techniques. The featured person is Lynn McGrier

First is the Rembrandt lighting technique. The key light is set high  and a downward angle at 45 degrees to the front of Lynn. The film light is set on the opposite side of the key light, even to Lynn's face. The back light is set high and behind Lynn at a 45 degree angle and the same side as the key light.

The Split lighting  technique involves the key light to be placed at Lynn's eye level and 90 degrees to the side of her face.

The Broad lighting technique is the Rembrandt technique but with Lynn's face turned a bit off-center, so the broader side (turned towards the camera) is in the light. 

The Butterfly technique is named for the butterfly shaped shadow that is created under the nose of a subject by placing the main light source above and directly behind the camera.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Three Point lighting

This in class assignment focused on the three point lighting technique This lighting technique is used for interviews. Constance Maybin and Jordan Beagle are the featured models in these lighting shots.

This Shot is a wide shot of both Jordan (The interviewer) and Constance (The interviewee) with the back light, fill light and side light are on and illuminating them both.

This shot is of Constance with the key light shown and focusing on her illuminating her face.

This shot shows the side/fill light from a different angle on Constance and Jordan but focusing on more on Constance and lighting her face.

This shot is showing the backlight behind Constance

 Using the three point lighting method really does help with insuring the light during an interview looks great. It was great working with Connie and Jordan and taking pictures of them to show how the method works.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Outside Portable Light Reflector Project

This assignment deals with how lighting works using a reflector outside in the sun. This assignment features Kiiyah Stokes and also the instructor for this class Mr. Harwood It was an easy assignment and I enjoyed working with them on completing it.

This photo shows Kiiyah shot in a harsh glare with the sun directly behind her

 This photo shows Kiiyah in the same position but with the reflector bouncing sunlight unto her face
This photo is a wide shot of Kiiyah and Mr. Harwood demonstrating how the light reflector is used

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

5 questions video using chromakey part 2

This is part 2 of the five questions video but with an addded chromakey background. This video still contains features from Jaylaan and Jordan. 

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

5 Questions video

This assignment is a 5 questions video segment where I had to shoot and produce my 2 fellow classmates Jaylaan Riley    who was the host and Jordan Beagle  who was the guest. Jaylaan questions geared towards Rap/Hip-hop beef and I think Jordan was fully interested by the way he answered her questions.  Producing this specific video was very fun and easy. There were different camera shots that were involved with filming this piece. I look forward to working with Jordan and Jaylann again in the future.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Action Sequence Video Project

We had to shoot a sequence of shots with another person for this video project in my Advanced TV production class. Constance Maybin is the featured person of the following video and her content can be viewed by clicking on the following link: . It didn't take long for us to finish the project and we had fun while shooting it. 

I hope to work with Constance again in the future. Her input to how the shots went were greatly appreciated. 

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Chapter 1 Questions

1.) What qualities separate the photographer from the photojournalist?

A: Photographers are more freelance, photojournalists take photos for newspapers, and they are the visual storytellers.

2.) In what case are the camera and the microphone "writing and reporting instruments?"

A: They are considering "Writing and reporting" material because they capture every aspect of an image, interview and sounds.

3.) Why can the edit console can be fairly called a "rewrite" machine?

A: Ideas are put in relationship to one another , story pace is adjusted and refined, and the story's outlines are given its emphasis.

4.) How the nature of television news report differ from a newspaper story?

A: Television news reports commonly only emphasize the facts whereas newspaper stories reveal someone's goals and actions upon a timeline.

5.) What is the role of the written word in television news?

A: The role of the written word is apart of a complex package of information made up of images, colors, actions, sounds and silence.   

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

BC 330-01 Advanced TV Production/Editing

This past summer was good. I spent the first few weeks at for first session summer school. I decided to take two courses that I did not get a chance to take during my Freshmen and Sophomore years of school. After I was done with summer school, I went back home and went back to my job at I worked the rest of my summer away and basically just chilled for the most part.

My outlook for this school year is to stay on top of my game. I plan on staying focused and earning at least an "A" or "B" in each of my five classes I am taking. I also plan to start doing assignments on time instead of waiting until the last minute. I am a huge procrastinator but I plan on changing my ways soon. I also plan to get involved more throughout the campus in some way.

Image result for books] Image result for a+

Saturday, April 30, 2016

The Grand Finale of Electronic Media Production II (BC 203)

It's finally the end to this amazing course lead by Mr. Harwood and it has been great. Our class utilized many different forms of media from Twitter to LinkedIn. This course was designed for students to learn and how to operate various social media outlets and how we could use them for our major.


Created by Jack Dorsey and launched in 2006, Twitter is one of the most famous social media sites ever created. Twitter gives users options to follow other profiles, re-tweet posts and so on. My Twitter handle is @Coolkid_Jay and I am very active on the site. I follow 3,065 people I have a bunch of tweets which mainly involve re-tweets. Below is the link to my Twitter.


From a more Business professional standpoint comes a social media site called "LinkedIn" which was launched on May 5th 2003. This site is used to display your qualifications as well as find different jobs early. You can connect to various people that fit the criteria of the job you are trying to get. Users can invite anyone to become a connection. I wasn't a user of LinkedIn until I was introduced to it by this class and I found it to be very useful. My LinkedIn page is


Prezi is known as a presentation tool that is similar to a regular PowerPoint presentation but with many more cool features. Instead of slides, Prezi allows users to use one big screen to input their ideas. There is nothing I don't dislike about Prezi. I like that it automatically saves presentations. Our class was asked to create a Prezi presentation of our "top 10 lists/things."

Vine is a short video social media network that allows users to create any type of looping video in 6 minutes. Founded in July 2012, Twitter became the owners in October 2012 before it officially launched to the public.
 This first vine video is a short one word response of me asking my classmates what their favorite color was.

The next video is supposed to be funny and it features Jalen Ryant. He is a drummer and I caught him beating on a trashcan and said "When band is life."


The green screen project was one of my favorite projects of the course. It involved us taking a photo and imagining where we would like to be. I decided to use a photo of myself and get on stage with Beyoncé and Jay-Z during their "On The Run Tour." We had to use IMovie in order to get the pictures to merge. I learned that doing a green screen project can be aggravating but it is worth it.

Green screen can be used in various ways. I know it is often used in many movies to portray something that seems realistic. It allows an image to show through another image that you can imagine.
These were the two pictures that I wanted to use for the Green screen effect:

The last and final project that we did in this class was a Kizoa assignment. Kizoa is an online movie maker, video editor and slideshow creator and  that you can include many different effects and transitions. Kizoa can be used to show what all you have experienced using pictures or videos that you can upload to the site. I like how Kizoa is very easy to use and very interactive. There are no dislikes at all about it. My Kizoa creation involves various Bulldog statues located around campus.

bulldogs - Kizoa Video Editor - Movie Maker

Being that i'm somewhat of a heavy social media user, this course was very helpful and intriguing. Most media outlets i wasn't very familiar with but I learned to like them now that I understand how they work. I know that I will use one of maybe all of these forms of media in the future and i want to thank Mr. Harwood for teaching me and my classmates what we needed to know.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Kizoa movie project

This is a Kizoa video project we had to do for class. My class embarked on a Bulldog Scavenger hunt and these where some of the statues that I found. I hope you enjoy.

bulldogs - Kizoa Video Editor - Movie Maker

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Green screen

We did a green screen assignment in class involving everyone to picture where they wanted to be. I decided to be on tour with Beyonce and Jay-Z. No I don't sing or rap but I wonder how it feels to hang around with them for a while.

This is the picture in which I wanted to use of J and B.

This is a picture I decided use of myself.
This is the final cut of the picture using the green screen. 

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Vine post

This is a vine video for class where I asked a few of my classmates their favorite color.

Thus is a funny vine post we had to do for class featuring Jalen Ryant.

Thursday, February 25, 2016


Pinterest is a social media site that allows users to "pin" various images or videos to their liking. Each pin may have follow a certain theme to a board. Pinterest also allows you to view another person's boards to gain any ideas whether it's fashion or anything else. Users can like and comment on others post similar to other Social media sites.

Pinterest was created by Ben Silbermann, Paul Sciarra and Evan Sharp. Silbermann referred to the site as a "Catalog of Ideas" instead of a regular social network. The creation of pinterest was in December of 2009 and was later launched in March 2010.

People use Pinterest for a variety of reasons. One reason is a source of inspiration. Someone may want to find out what type of fashion is popular at the moment and all they have to do is search pinterest and they will have many choices. Another reason is to connect with others. Exactly like other sites, people gain followers, communicate with other users and strengthen their virtual friendships.

Image result for pinterest
The boards that I have on my Pinterest page each vary. One of my boards consist of fashion because I like looking at diffrent styles of clothing. Another Pinterst board consists of dreadstyles. I like to try out diffrent styles on my locs and I may use pinterest as a reference.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Cysabeaw: The Minnesota Princess!

Another up and coming female music producer? A writer? What else is there to know?....

Cysabeaw Priscilla Ford also known as "Cys" hails all the way from Minneapolis, Minnesota. She is a Senior Broadcast/Communications major at South Carolina State University with nothing but positive vibes and also a great sense of humor.

Cys formerly attended Robbinsdale-Cooper High school and graduated with the class of 2012. Being that Miss. Csy is from Minnesota, I wanted to know what made her want to come to the Palmetto State and attend South Carolina State University. "I have a lot of family down here so they recommended me to come here so that's how I found out about it" Said Ford.
I later asked miss Ford if she had any hobbies or anything that she liked to do in her spare time and one particular hobby caught me off guard. "I like to write, I like to listen to music" said Ford. "I sometimes produce music on the side." When Csy said she produces music, It surprised me because it is rare to find many female music producers but I found it to be pretty dope. I wanted to know what type of music did she produce and laughing she said "Well I'm just beginning I started a month ago so I'm not an expert at it." Miss Ford is also a writer for the popular magazine around SC State's campus called "Stated".
After graduating from college, Ford plans on either going to Grad school to get her masters in journalism or, move to New York and work in the music industry as a producer or publicist. From her cheerful nature to her ambitious work ethic, I'm sure Csy will go far in life. The interview itself was strictly to the point and I really enjoyed sitting down and talking to Miss Ford also known as "The Minnesota Princess."

Monday, February 8, 2016


Twitter is one of the most famous social media networking sites there is. It was created by Jack Dorsey and was launched in July of 2016. People who have a account with Twitter can post tweets, retweet them, follow other profiles or be followed. The sites headquarters is based out in San Francisco with many other offices located around the world. Before Twitter came to be, Jack had an idea about a person using a SMS service  to communicate with others. The first name was "Twttr" due to the fact that "Twitter" domain was already in use. A few months later, Jack's crew bought the domain & the rest is history.
Image result for twitter

I use Twitter daily and have been apart of the Twitter verse for a while. I use this social media site to stay up to date with current news and other things that may spark my interest. 

Monday, February 1, 2016


LinkedIn is a Social media site that deals with a Business Professional standpoint. It helps you to connect with millions of people around the world but it's not to be confused with Twitter or Facebook. Many people use LinkedIn to display their qualifications and also find job opportunities. This is a popular social media outlet because it can help people to seek jobs early. It's not what you know, it's who you know. Some features that I like on LinkedIn is that it informs you on who viewed your page. I think it's important that it tells you who all viewed your page cause you never know, it may be an employer that wants to hire you.

One LinkedIn profile I seen that was well set up and informative was my classmate Kris Bennett's profile. I love how she included everything she has accomplished in her Student journey here at South Carolina State University.
I will use my LinkedIn site to connect with others so that I can gain some connections in my particular field of study. To view my LinkedIn profile, just click on the link below:

Thursday, January 14, 2016

                                                         Who Am I?

Hello everyone my name is Justin Hill but you can call me "Jay" for short. I am a proud Gemini that loves the color blue. I am a Sophomore Mass Communicatons/Broadcasting major here at South Carolina State University. I'm a very chill, laid-back type of person that is easy to get along with but, I can have my moments. after all, I do have a dual-personality.

I am from  the small and I graduated from the famous I ran track for FC for four years and was also apart of FBLA "Future Business Leaders of America."