South Carolina State University has a Push Writing Lab located inside Turner Hall which is coordinated by
Mrs. Arah Pinson. Pinson, who is also a long serving professor, started at SCSU in 1989 to present day. Mrs .Valerie Goodwin was the previous coordinator. Upon Pinson's takeover, she plans to get the word spread out about the writing lab.
A lot of students don't know about the writing lab or what it's purpose is. This center is used to help students hone their writing and grammar skills. "When our students leave SCSU, they represent the University" said Pinson. Students can go there to get a better understanding of the various writing styles and rules that are applied to it.
The writing lab is also trying to gain exposure. Since it's not as much used as needed, Pinson and her trusty team are trying to make it "lit." funding is most definitely needed to help expand the writing lab. "We're looking for donations, and we want to paint and mural the wall." said Pinson.
To also help with the exposure of the lab, they are planning a spring open house as well as a soft skills for students workshop. This workshop will help students with study skills, time-management, note taking and self discipline. Pinson is a serious advocate for the success of her students and you can tell when she began to tear up and say "My passion is my students."
The writing lab can be used as a work study and all students and majors are welcome. Students must meet a certain criteria in order to become a tutor. You must also have a letter of recommendation. Take Zaire for instance. She is a grad school tutor and according to Pinson "Our right arm." She helps with grammar and organization, and thesis statements. Pinson is looking for students like her to come help out and be a great tutor.
While big things are in the works for Turner Hall writing lab, Pinson and Zaire had five things that everyone should know about it. They are
- They are there to help
- Will offer workshops
- They are not a fix it shop
- Tutors will not guess what grade you will get
- You leave with a lesson
(What the writing lab is for)